When I first found out I was pregnant, I was over the moon! Quickly though that joy was taken away when I was told I had a possible tubal pregnancy. We were absolutely devastated! I had to go to the doctor everyday for 3 days to check my hcg levels. By the third day my doctor came into the room and sat down next to me, I was sure she was going to tell me we had to rush into surgery and take out our sweet baby( whose heart I heard) because it was growing in the wrong spot. However, a smile spread across her face as she told me that the baby was indeed in the right place and what they previously saw was a cyst! We were overjoyed!! We decided to go on a trip with family. I was 12 weeks and started feeling great again. I even rode a roller coaster because my doctor ok'd it! When we went back into the doctor between 12-13 weeks they couldn't find a heartbeat. Again we were devastated, I especially felt extremely broken and emotionally exhausted. I blamed myself thinking I had done something wrong. After my D&C I came home, shut all our curtains, laid on my bed and cried. I did this for a week. My husband was amazing and tried to console me. I had friends reach out and family came to visit. The biggest thing that helped me was when a friend of mine who unbeknownst to me dropped by and told me about her miscarriages. She told me I had two choices, I could choose to be sad and let the sadness envelope me or I could have hope in the future and push forward. She would call me and just listen! I really needed that! As I slowly started talking about losing my baby, it seemed I met dozens of women that experienced the same thing. I had no idea how many women experienced this. There was strength found in numbers.

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