Hello. My name is Briana. I am now the mother of 2 beautiful children & 1 beautiful angel baby. Lailiana was my 1st born.. she was Due on September 6th, 2014. I was so excited and hoped and prayed for a little girl for my first baby, although I would of been blessed with a boy too. My pregnancy with Lailiana was an experience. She was healthy and perfect throughout the entire pregnancy; me on the other hand suffered from terrible morning/all day sickness but it was so worth it each time I got to hear her strong little heartbeat and feel her super strong kicks! She was my 1st child and her daddies first little girl. She would have been so spoiled. Close to the end I began having some complications, I wouldnt dilate on my own or go into labor on my own. However, my midwives wouldnt listen to me. The baby and I both tested negative at 36weeks for Group B Strep which I thought at the time GREAT! We are so ready. Well.. I had 3 different "false labors" and was sent home from triage 45 minutes away each time because in their words my water wasnt leaking and I needed to let her come on her own with it being my first child. I begged to be kept and be induced each time because I knew I lived 45mins away and would end up in a bad predicament where I was either delivering her on the side of the highway, or would be stuck waiting for an ambulance ride to the actual hospital! Being a young first time mom, I just let them not listen to me. I was scheduled to be induced a week after my original due date (why, idk. she should have been here! She was ready as I was too😭) So from September 6th-September 12th I spent my time finishing up her bedroom and getting everything ready for her. I was scheduled to be induced September 12th, 2014 at 7a.m. When we arrived at the hospital, we got situated and let everyone know we were there and getting ready to bring out little girl into the world!!! SO excited, the midwife comes in... trying to hook me up but what felt like forever went by and she couldnt find a heartbeat. I was in denial. So they brought in 3 different machines to confirm. My baby had passed away. I told them I felt her! I felt her on the ride to the hospital! I told them to cut me open and try to save her life! They did not listen to me.. they told me because she didnt even have a flutter in her heart rate, they wouldnt "CHANCE" cutting me open to try and save her💔 at this point.. I'm lost. Shocked. Wondering WHY they cant give me a dang c section to try and SAVE my little girl. I mean, people have csections and emergency csections everyday?! What is so different from myself and my baby whom is NOW not breathing because I was turned away so many times! So.. I sat for 12hours in labor... knowing my little girl was gone. Had to push her out and they told me the cord wrapped her neck. We recorded the birth and when she came out, the cord was NOT around her neck. So then I am even more lost.. even more shocked. What happened to my HEALTHY 8lb 7oz baby?! Why is she gone!!! After spending our short time with her, getting out Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep pictures taken, & deciding her arrangements she was sent off for an autopsy WHICH the hospital and midwives tried talking me out of but nope.. I needed answers. A week went by and we went to my checkup and to go over the autopsy report... would yall believe.. my baby was 100% healthy!!! My water bag was leaking because my membranes had been swiped 2x in a week but they refused to induce me when I needed... my little girl was inhaling amniotic fluid that had the Group B Strep infection in it because we developed group b Strep in the last 4 weeks after having membranes stripped and being opened up. All they could say was there was Group B Strep on the placenta and I was right😭 A year later, I went to a new dr and delivered my healthy baby boy! Was GBS+, was treated for the infection multiple times during pregnancy and then during labor, & was induced a week early for my own comfort. He was named Kenji. I now have another little girl. Her name is Kalaiyah. I was actually taken back for an emergency c section with her after pushing all the way up until a 9! The cord wrapped her neck 2x during labor & she was in distress. Our angel was watching over us the next 2x around!!!! However.. I wish she was here physically with us more than anything, I now know I have an angel that watches me and my kids everyday!

What Has Helped You Heal?

I still suffer daily. It has been 5 years and still feels like yesterday. My kids now are what keep me going daily. I miss her SO much. I had her cremated so I could keep her with me always. 😔 we include her in every holiday, every family photo, & we do a balloon release and cupcakes for her birthday every year! We also make up a gift bag for the 1st babygirl born on her birthday at the hospital she was born at in honor of her, we put a poem and her photo inside❤

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