Dominik’s Story I found out I was pregnant on February 8th at 3:00 a.m. I woke up at that time and decided to take a pregnancy test. I ran into our bedroom and jumped on the bed and woke my boyfriend up. On February 11th we had our first ultrasound. We were both over joyed as we had been trying for a few months….I was over the moon since this was going to be my first baby. My pregnancy was coming along well with the exception of terrible all day sickness. We had monthly appointments and all the routine test we had always came out fine. On May 13th we found out we were having a baby boy. We already had a name picked out for our baby, Dominik Sebastian Castro. I was so in love with my baby boy, I couldn’t wait to hold him in my arms. On May 26th I started having back pains similar to menstrual cramps …I chalked it up to spending too much time on my feet, got an ice pack and went to bed. The next morning my pain was gone and I went about my daily routine. I noticed a wet feeling about 11 a.m. and decided to call my doctor. He said as a precaution I should get to the hospital to get checked out. I was changing into different clothes, when I felt a gush of water come out. My world instantly began to crumble…I was only 5 ½ months. I tried to remain calm as my boyfriend drove to the hospital, where they confirmed it was indeed amniotic fluid. I was transferred to Saint Joseph’s Hospital in Phoenix, AZ by ambulance. I was told they had a better equipped NICU. Time stood still as doctors came into speak to us about our choices and the quality of life my baby would have should he make it. I couldn’t bare the idea of my baby being poked and prodded and blood transfusions and disabilities he would have to live with. The choice was so very hard to make but as my boyfriend and I discussed the quality of life our baby would have we decided to leave Dominik in the hands God. Dominik Sebastian was born on May 28th, 2015 at 1:04 a.m. Beautiful and perfect in every way. Long legs and big feet, looking exactly like his Daddy. For 30 minutes we hugged and kissed our baby boy. We baptized him and held him closely till he went back up to Heaven and even then we kept him with us for a few hours. Since Dominik’s passing, I live my live one moment at a time. I have moments when I’m good and I have moment where I burst into tears. I miss my baby so much. I will always wonder what my Dominik would have been like….his facial features, his personality, everything. He will never be forgotten because he will always be in both of our hearts. My Beautiful Angel Baby, Dominik Sebastian Castro 5-28-2015.

What Has Helped You Heal?

I don't think you completely ever recover from the death of a child.You learn to go about your life but never 100% complete.

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